i know i've gone silent for... hmm, exactly two months now. you needn't ask why - the answer will always be the annual Halloween project.
this year's offering, "burn" marks the fourth consecutive fulfillment of a tradition that began with the move to Tallahassee and the elevation of Halloween to something like [secular] veneration. but that's a tale for another day. of the tetrad, three are intentionally obtuse and self-critical assessments of important events of my life, refracted through the murky and cobwebbed lens of Hallows. "Sigil" stands apart in that it is a microfiction retelling of one of the most appalling nightmares i've ever suffered. fun stuff, that.
those who know me reasonably well should not have much trouble exhuming the meaning from "burn." suffice it to say that it describes a very current dilemma. as usual, hidden symbols and suggestions - some minor, one very much not - abound. while i hope you enjoy it, and may peek though the tattered and nighted veils into my head - i reemphasize that these are cathartic exercises.
and on that. enjoy the season and the MLB playoffs.