Thursday, October 31, 2013

[ t h e _ b o n e _ g a r d e n ] - 2014

Halloween. hello, love.

going back to the June 5 entry below, you will see mention of the new Halloween project... for the first time a collaboration, and with my beautiful new bride at that. tremendous progress was made in May and early June! and then. then. conference in Albuquerque, complete with Breaking Bad location hunting and incredible hustling to finish a manuscript, more science, the rather substantial matter of planning our wedding and completing requisite art/design!, and a new semester in which i assumed entirely too many responsibilities and began as an 80h/week kind of debacle.

the good news:
 • the conference was rad, we did all the things, the talk went well and led to a guest blog post that got just shy of 2,500 unique views in the first week (see here or at my own This reView of Life).
 • the wedding was the most splendid engagement possible, with a reunion of my world-scattered crew for Only The Best shenanigans. we treated my boys and girls to a tour of Fermilab on the morning of the wedding. quoth Dr Cognac, "Neil knows how to groom a wedding right." J surprised me with a whiskey-infused, bacon-topped groom's cake crowned with a legitimate 1993 Kenner JP Velociraptor. yes. next semester should see a ramping-down of this fall's ridiculous workload (before it begins anew next fall).
 • and lastly, i've been hit up for artwork for a new band. no deets yet.

"The Bone Garden" is coming. it will just be a while yet. i may end up redoing a good amount of the art that's already cooked... we shall see.

Click to enlarge

as always, i wish you every dark satisfaction on this night. to that end, i would point you at my new favorite comic artist Abby Howard's ongoing magnum opus that i Kickstarted the s out of. it is called "The Last Halloween" and you need it in your life.

honor the season.

/.n [while watching "Tales from the Hood"]

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