Friday, December 27, 2019

[ g r a v i t y _ d r i v e ]

i mentioned "completely different," right?

my chops couldn't pull off my original vision for this concept, but thematically it rhymes. someday i'll revisit this idea with something closer to what i'd intended, but i do like the ultimate simplicity of design in what this became. i tried adding to or tweaking it for days on end and kept reverting back to a cleaner, more elemental look. the meat grinder tunnel is reinterpreted as something more organic and menacing ("Who knows where this ship has been... and what it's brought back with it."), and the iconic rings and knobs of the gravity drive are lovingly reproduced.

this one is for those who know. damn, i love this movie. my brother and i somehow coerced our "beyond unimpressed by horror and tawdry content" dad to take us to this one in the theater, and OH BOY he did not have a fun time. love you, Pops.

Click to enlarge

/.n [while listening to the Event Horizon score]